wholesale inquiry from Taiwan

Hello ouirdire_official,

This is HAPPYWOOFYTW, WOOFY Co. from Taiwan. We are an online select shop. I am writing to know your terms and conditions of wholesale, methods of payment, and ordering. Looking forward to hearing from you. I have korean address and I can transfer in korean won. 

If there is anything i need to provide, please let me know. Thank you. 




COMPANY 위아디어 | OWNER 김서인
BUSINESS NO. 379-33-00428
ONLINE LISENCE 제2023-서울용산-0919호
HOSTING BY 아임웹|E-MAIL ouirdire@naver.com
ADDRESS 서울특별시 용산구 한남대로 42가길25 2F
TEL 070-4383-8300

COMPANY 위아디어 | OWNER 김서인  |  BUSINESS NO. 379-33-00428 | ONLINE LICENSE  제2023-서울용산-0919호
HOSTING BY 아임웹|E-MAIL ouirdire@naver.com | ADDRESS 서울특별시 용산구 한남대로 42가길 25 2F|TEL 070-4383-8300